
NY Highways

Explore NY Highways DPS opportunities

About NY Highways

NY Highways provides highways services across North Yorkshire and surrounding areas.
In close partnership with North Yorkshire Council, NY Highways operates as a commercial business to provide highways services and maintenance to both the public and private sectors across the region by combining a commercial focus with public sector values.

What does NY Highways do?

NY Highways offers a range of services to support businesses, organisations and landowners in North Yorkshire and the surrounding areas. This includes maintaining and improving roads, car parks, footpaths and pavements, as well as maintenance of gullies, streetlighting and verges.
In addition, NY Highways provides winter maintenance services during the colder months and offers an MOT service in the Northallerton area.

What will the DPS cover?

NY Highways intend to appoint contractors to a multi-provider DPS. A DPS is essentially an approved supplier list for specific requirements, any companies added to the DPS will be invited to bid for further competitions as requirements arise.
The DPS is expected to be open for a minimum period of 8 years and it is envisaged the total value of works competed off the DPS will be in the region of £40m per annum (This is a DPS and unless specified in a further competition all volumes and values are not guaranteed).

Document Pack

Please ensure you read the documents in the Document Pack below.

They contain important information on the procurement process and registration on NY Highways’ eProcurement Portal.

Registration is open

Registration for the NY Highways DPS is now open.

To register for the DPS and be considered for work, you will need to be a member of Constructionline. If you are not a member already, please register as a free Associate member, which will allow you to register your interest in the NY Highways DPS.

Sign up to NY Highways DPS in 3 easy steps.


To register for the NY Highways DPS, you will first need to be a member of Constructionline. If you are not yet a member, please register as a free Associate member. As a member, you can then register your interest in the NY Highways DPS.

After you register your interest in the relevant DPS, you’ll receive an email from Constructionline confirming we’ve received your application. You will be able to provide answers to the DPS onboarding questionnaire and submit the necessary evidence, where required, for individual work categories.

Constructionline will carry out an assessment of your DPS application and completed Constructionline profile within 10 working days of receiving your completed submission. We will let you know if anything requires any updates and assist you through the verification process. After which, Constructionline will be in touch to let you know if you’ve been successful or not in your DPS application and will inform you of the next steps.