
Thanks for registering

A confirmation email will be sent to you shortly. Please ensure to check your ‘junk’ and ‘other’ inbox.

Important Information:

We will send you more information closer to the event to ensure you make the most of your day so in the meantime:

  • Check your ‘junk’ or ‘other’ inbox so you don’t miss our emails.
  • If you intend to bring your colleague(s) with you, they must also register on our website for the event.

Please see our FAQs below or email our events team if you have any questions.

Frequently asked questions


What can I do if I have registered but I haven’t received my confirmation email?

The confirmation email may have landed in your ‘Other’ or ‘Junk’ inbox. If you have checked these and you still can’t find the email, please contact our events team. 

Can I bring my colleagues along to the event?

We ask all attendees to ensure they are registered individually to attend our events, so if they’re not already, please ask your colleagues to register too.

Can I contact the buyers before/after attending?

All confirmed exhibitors will be listed under ‘Who’s Exhibiting?’ in the events app. You can contact the exhibitors directly from their bio by clicking contact or via their contact details if they have chosen to provide them within their exhibitor bio.

Get in touch

How can we help?

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For assistance pelase email