
Expression of interest in working with Seddon Construction

Register your interest


Please complete the following information to register your interest in working with Seddon Construction. If you are not already a Constructionline member with a Silver status, our team will contact you to help you with the signup process.

If you’re identified as a potential Supplier, you will be required to complete a PAS 91 aligned questionnaire, such as that in Constructionline, and demonstrate Health and Safety competencies appropriate to the services being provided before you can work with Seddon.

Please note: Seddon requires all contractors to:

If you’re currently not a member of Constructionline you’ll need to sign-up to Silver Membership. During the sign-up process, you will be asked ‘How did you hear about us?’ Choose ‘At Clients Request with Code’ and enter 1AUOHD.

If you currently hold Constructionline Associate membership, please log in to your profile and select ‘Review Membership’ from the left-hand menu and upgrade to Silver membership.

Thank you for your interest in working with Seddon.

Kindest regards

Seddon Construction procurement team.


(C1 – Company Details/C2 – Financial and Insurance Information/C3 – Business and Professional Standing/C4 – Health and Safety)


    Expression of interest


    Contact information

    Company address

    Company information