
UPDATED [Infographic] in collaboration with Build UK – The impact of COVID-19 across the Construction Industry

We’ve updated our COVID-19 infographic in collaboration with Build UK to include new sections on cost and returning to work.

The infographic is based on data submitted from almost 8,000 of our Constructionline members from our COVID-19 question set.

We’re glad to be able to support the great efforts of Build UK and the Construction Leadership Council.

Why we produced the Infographic

Following discussions with the main contractor group, we made available a small subset of questions related to the preparedness of Suppliers for the COVID-19 pandemic and to track the ongoing impact on their staff and businesses. These new questions would not be assessed or be used to calculate the verification status of Constructionline suppliers.

These answers have given our buyers greater insight into how the industry is coping and has allowed them to track where the COVID-19 standard operating procedure is in place within their supply chains.

Have your say!

It’s not too late for you to complete the new questions. By answering this set of questions you are allowing the main contractors to gauge vital information on how they can best support suppliers during this difficult time.

To complete these questions simply log into your Constructionline account and click the Constructionline Plus logo to the left of your company name.



News COVID-19