Home / Products & Services / Dynamic Purchasing System for Suppliers / Cadent / Register for Minor Gas Works
– Mains replacement LPS & Minor Gas Works
Please provide your current Constructionline Account Number/Account ID *
Your Constructionline Account Number/Account ID allows us to validate your current Constructionline membership and your company trading name. Forgotten Constructionline Account Number/Account ID? Use the form below or call us on the number below for assistance.
Not your details? Check you’ve entered your Constructionline registration number correctly. If you’re having issues please contact us using the form or telephone number below.
Company Name *
Constructionline Registration Number *
Email address *
Where did you hear about us? AdvertisementClient RequestConference or EventInternetOther
Please provide details
Does your company hold a valid health & safety certificate or an OHSAS 18001 certificate from a Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) member? * YesNo
Which work categories are you applying for? Please tick all that apply.* Asphalt SurfacingAsphalt Surfacing (Machline Laid)Civil Engineering (Design & Construct)Directional DrillingElectric and Gas Meter Box InstallationsGas InstallationsGas Pipelines Mains and ServicesGas Safety InspectionGas Works - Pipeline/AssetImpact MolingMechanical (Design Develop And Construct)Underground Buried Services
Are you a Contractor or Principal Contractor ? * ContractorPrincipal Contractorn/a
Requirements for this DPS:
Please complete the following sections within your profile: C1 – Company Details C2 – Financial and Insurance C3 – Business and Professional Standing C4 – Health and Safety O1 – Equal Opportunities O2 - Environmental O3 - Quality
Do you agree with the Terms and Conditions? * By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, the DPS applicant confirms unequivocal agreement of the terms and conditions set out in the DPS Agreement, noting that any other terms or conditions of contract or any general reservations which may be printed on any correspondence emanating from the applicant in connection with this DPS, will not be applicable to this DPS.
To register for the DPS, sign up as an Associate Member and then return here to complete this DPS application form with your Constructionline Account Number/Account ID. You can upgrade to full membership via the Constructionline platform at any time.
Constructionline is the UK’s largest register of contractors, consultants and material suppliers for the construction industry. With over 8000 key decision makers from over 2800 buying organisations using Constructionline to select quality suppliers, it’s a great platform to promote your services and gain access to new work opportunities.