
May 2024 – Supplier

Huge updates to Manage Compliance

In our latest release of updates, we have been making even more improvements for our members. 

With our updates this month, we’re making it easier for you to manage your profile on our platform. These include changes to:

  • Work Categories
  • Company Profile
  • Document Library
Having an up-to-date profile is a great way for you to appear in more Buyers searches. Our new improvements to the ‘Manage Compliance’ area on the platform have made it easier to keep your profile up-to-date and showcase the work you do in the best possible way.

See what we're talking about this month

We have split the main ‘Manage Compliance’ areas into dedicated tabs so you can quickly identify areas of concern. The three new areas, Company Profile, Work Categories and Document Library are explained further below.

Please note – to access the ‘Manage Compliance’ area on our platform, you will require the “Supplier” permission to be applied to your user account. Please get in touch with your Admin user to ensure you have access.

Sharable Company Profile

You can now publicly share a snapshot of your company’s profile, making it visible to customers who may not be members of Constructionline. Even more, it will also appear in search engine results when your company is searched for. 

To further help you, you can generate a QR code or URL that can be added to your website or marketing material to share your profile directly with potential buyers, enhancing your company’s visibility and promotional reach. We have also changed the information you can upload to your profile, such as uploading a company logo.

Work Categories

We have moved work categories into a new area, to give you quicker access and a better overview of your work categories to help you spot any actions that may be needed against them, such as if they’re not verified or are due to expire.


Why is this important?
With Buyers using work categories as a key filter when searching for suppliers through our platform, having the services you provide listed will improve your profile visibility.

You can find the full Work Category list, including CPV codes and descriptions, in the Important Documents section of our website.

Document Library

A new handy place to view all your compliance documents. We have listened to feedback on how cumbersome it was to find your documents after uploading them to the question set. Now, the document library allows you to easily view all your uploaded files and filter the documents based on Compliance Level or Buyer Connection. The new search bar makes this all so much easier, too! 

If you need to download your files, we have a new area called ‘Download Manager’. The Download Manager can be accessed in the portal menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Any zip files generated in the past seven days will appear in “My Compliance Documents”. You can download the zip file with “Download”.

BidWork – Our new tender management tool

We’ve now integrated BidWork within our Marketplace app on the Once For All platform.

BidWork is a game changer for those involved in tenders. It is the first AI-driven tender management tool that allows you to receive and price ITTs from buyers.

Its powerful features, in particular, allow you to view tender documents easily. If addendums are made to the original scope, BidWork will highlight these changes automatically for you, saving you significant time and effort comparing documents. 

Check out these new features

Log in to Constructionline to try out these new updates today.

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