
February 2023

Updates to Marketplace for Procurement Teams

Marketplace Publish allows you to easily publish new tender opportunities to verified suppliers. You can either share these opportunities with your existing supply chains or discover new contacts from a network of over 50,000 businesses. Furthermore, risk is minimised via Marketplace Publish from the start, as projects are only shared with suppliers pre-qualified to meet your needs.


Key improvements in Publish

Based on the feedback from our customers, we have implemented new features to the platform:

Attach documents and links to work packages

Upload documentation so prospective subcontractors can provide a more informed response and more easily see if the project is relevant to them.

Edit and update documents

Make changes to documents as required without having to cancel and republish the project.

Ability to create additional stages to opportunities

Manage more of the procurement process through Marketplace by adding new stages such as RFI/RFP/RFQ/ITT.

Limit searches to existing ‘pre-approved’ Supply Chain

Add your ‘pre-approved’ suppliers to a Work Package even when they have not been matched.

Filter searches by Head or Branch offices

Helping you to maximise the benefit to the local economy.

Find suppliers by area

A more accurate way to select suppliers that work in a specific region or county, as an alternative to choosing within a radius of your project location.

Close Work Packages Stage

Provides you with the flexibility to close a Work Package when you have received enough responses.

Notification to suppliers Optional

A notification is sent to invited suppliers to thank them for responding or hoping they respond to the next opportunity.

Work Package contact value

The contract value is now optional, but it is recommended to complete it to get better responses from the most relevant suppliers.

Coming soon in Publish

We are working hard behind the scenes to deliver:

The ability for suppliers to add responses to documents.

Complete forms and submit evidence to support application responses.

These changes will help make evaluation and shortlisting easier.

We are continuously improving the Marketplace platform to make it easier for you to manage and publish expressions of interest to strengthen your supply chain. We thank all the customers who have provided us with their valuable feedback.


Login to check out Marketplace today!

Marketplace Track

Marketplace Track provides a single space for suppliers to manage and respond to contracts you’ve published, and we have made substantial changes to the platform to make it easier for suppliers to respond to EOI’s and provide you with the info you need to make informed decisions.

Key improvements in Track

Ability to download published documents: Suppliers can now download documentation added to Work Packages so they can give a more informed response.

Notification when stage has closed: Suppliers are now automatically sent a notification when the deadline has closed for submitting responses.


Coming soon in Track

Ability to upload documents with their response: To help facilitate suppliers to provide evidence to support their application and make it easier to shortlist and award contacts easier.

Show Work Package information: In the Work Package invitation, suppliers matched work category and areas of operation will be included to improve supplier response rate.

Login to check out Marketplace today!

Your Feedback

We value feedback from our customers to create the most powerful Supply Chain platform.

If you have any suggestions that would make Marketplace work better for you or you want more information how marketplace can help, we’d love to hear from you.

Send us your feedback
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